主演:亚当·桑德勒 德鲁·巴里摩尔 克里斯蒂娜·泰勒 艾伦·卡瓦特 马修·格
简介: 罗宾(亚当•桑德勒 饰)无法完成歌星梦,于是他成为了一名婚礼歌手。他看过很多新人们幸福的时刻,却在自己的婚礼上遭遇未婚妻琳达(安吉拉•范泽斯通 饰)的抛弃,被抛弃的罗宾伤心得要死。幸好有侍应茱莉亚(德鲁•巴里摩尔 饰)的安慰,茱莉亚便盛意邀请他一起准备自己的婚礼。 茱莉亚的未婚夫是一名股票经纪,而且风流成性,身边美女成群。罗宾知道了茱莉亚的未婚夫是如此的一个人,却不忍告诉正陶醉在新婚幸福中的茱莉亚。 这时罗宾才发现,自己已经暗暗对茱莉亚产生了感情,而茱莉亚的婚期在即……
主演:埃迪·雷德梅恩 凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿 约翰尼·德普 裘德·洛 埃兹拉·米勒
简介: 虽然纽特(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰)协助美国魔法部将邪恶的黑巫师格林德沃(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)捉拿归案,但最终格林德沃还是逃脱了禁锢,他来到了法国巴黎,一是为了集结信徒掀起革命,二是为了寻找同样藏匿在这里的克雷登斯(埃兹拉·米勒 Ezra Miller 饰),寄生在克雷登斯身上的默默然是帮助格林德沃实现野心的不可或缺的道具。 格林德沃的潜逃在整个魔法世界里都掀起了轩然大波,一时间草木皆兵。邓布利多(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)秘密的找到了纽特,希望他能够前往巴黎,先格林德沃一步找到克雷登斯。和纽特一起踏上巴黎之旅的,是麻鸡雅各布(丹·福格勒 Dan Fogler 饰),他此行的目的,是要找回先前因为吵架而来到巴黎投奔姐姐蒂娜(凯瑟琳·沃特森 Katherine Waterston 饰)的恋人奎妮(艾莉森·苏朵儿 Alison Sudol 饰)。
主演:马里奥·卡萨斯 卡门·毛拉 卡罗琳娜·邦 乌戈·席尔瓦 哈维尔·博泰特
简介: 一群躲避警察追捕的搶匪,原想遠走高飛到法國南部悠閒渡日,卻在途經的小村莊惹上更大的麻煩,因為他們碰上了女巫,而且不是普通的女巫。 當好萊塢女明星們紛紛搶著上大銀幕扮巫婆謀害白雪公主,該是卡門莫拉出馬示範的時候了!這位灌溉了多部阿莫多瓦經典的西班牙電影天后,繼《謀財管委會》後再度與艾利克斯德拉伊格萊希亞合作。後者是2012金馬奇幻影展的焦點導演,影迷一定不陌生。 不想假扮單純善良,而要在最荒誕不羈的情境裡榨出靈魂的真實;還要在最悲慘的時候,引你大笑,甚至大叫!這就是伊格萊希亞的能耐。尤其有了卡門莫拉飛天遁地的演技加持,只能說,再壞的男人碰到她,也只有屁滾尿流的份。單單一個眼神就足以令人嚇出一身汗,叫你哭爹喊娘那有什麼難? 所以先問自己:你想參加魔鬼的餐宴或是見證邪惡救世主的誕生儀式嗎?還是對基督、海綿、老鼠加上一個小孩會產生什麼變化感興趣?這就是噩夢/幸福的開始!
主演:米歇尔·阿尔维斯 亚历桑德拉·安布罗休 米妮·安顿 泰拉·班克斯 安娜
简介: The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is an annual fashion show sponsored by Victoria's Secret, a brand of lingerie and sleepwear. Victoria's Secret uses the show to promote and market its goods in high-profile settings. The show features some of the world's leading fashion models such as current Victoria's Secret Angels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, Doutzen Kroes, Behati Prinsloo, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Lily Aldridge, and Lindsay Ellingson. American network television broadcasts the show during prime time. The first few shows in the 1990s were held in the days preceding Valentine's Day to promote the brand for this holiday. They were not aired on national television. In 1999 and 2000 the show was webcast. Beginning in 2001, the shows were moved ahead of the Christmas holiday season. Also in 2001, the show made its network television broadcast on ABC, though in all subsequent years, it has been broadcast on CBS. The show has been held at a variety of locations in different cities including Miami, Los Angeles, and Cannes. The first four shows were held at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, but since it has become a televised event it has most often been held at the Lexington Avenue Armory in New York City. The show is a lavish event with elaborate costumed lingerie, varying music by leading entertainers, and set design according to the different themes running within the show. The show attracts hundreds of celebrities and entertainers, with special performers and acts every year. Each year, twenty to forty of the world's top fashion models are selected to perform in the fashion show. In a typical year, this includes about a half dozen women under contract to the company,[1] known as Victoria's Secret Angels, who help publicize the event. The giant angel wings worn by the models, as well as other wings of various forms and sizes such as butterfly, peacock, or devil wings, have become emblematic of the Victoria's Secret brand.