主演:Estevan Oriol Mister Cartoon 史努比狗狗
简介: 以墨西哥裔美国人的街头生活和嘻哈生活闯出名号的埃斯特凡·奥瑞欧与卡通先生,细述两人如何从才华横溢的艺术家,成为引领文化潮流的先驱
主演:迈克尔·因佩里奥利 John Michael Hill 娜塔丽·马丁内
简介: 在美国最危险的街道上执法,需要怎样的精神和勇气?为了鉴证这个事实,一个纪录片摄制小组准备对底特律警察局最优秀的侦探进行跟踪拍摄。观众将跟随镜头深入了解重案组的内部情况,捕捉他们处理危机事件的瞬间,他们的英姿,还有他们个人的喜怒哀乐。 Joseph Fitch(Michael Imperioli扮演)是一个受同事尊敬但总是被同事误解的资深侦探,工作很有经验也很积极,但心性有些怪异;Joseph的新搭档Damon Washington(Jon Michael Hill扮演)是个能干的小伙子,但却总为一件事而感到紧张:他第一天来重案组上班的时候,也是他第一个孩子降生的时候。性感、前卫的女侦探Ariana Sanchez(Natalie Martinez扮演)虽然没有轰轰烈烈的故事,却凭借自己的努力成了警界一颗冉冉升起的新星,在重案组一干就是5年。上级最近指派能言善辩但是性格火爆的John Stone侦探(D.J. Cotrona扮演)作为Ariana的新搭档。John曾做过卧底工作,和Ariana一样聪明,结案记录几近完美。这两个年轻人有时格格不入,有时又激情似火,真可谓一对绝配。Ariana甚至怀疑自己总有一天会爱上John……负责指挥重案组的Maureen Mason警官(Aisha Hinds扮演)已经在自己的工作岗位上干了15年,她同时是一个意志坚强的单身母亲。尽管工作强度大、报酬低,但她很少有怨言。 其他角色包括:从警30年的老警官Jesse Longford(James McDaniel扮演);Jesse Longford的搭档Aman Majan侦探(Shaun Majumder扮演);法医Shelby Cork(Erin Cummings扮演),一个看起来25岁实际35岁的女人,戴着「猫镜」,衣着打扮十分性感,给人的印象完全不像个整天跟死人打交道的人。 为了这座汽车城的未来,我们的主人公每天都在出生入死。复杂的工作环境锻造了他们不屈的性格,但他们必须如此--尽管这里拥有全美国最多的中产阶级家庭,但也有着全美国最高的谋杀案发案率。
主演:史蒂夫·山德沃斯 韦斯·拉姆齐 Rebekah Johnson 埃博·
简介: 克里斯蒂安(韦斯利•拉姆齐Wes Ramsey 饰)是个同性恋者,他年轻英俊、风流倜傥,经常在朋友面前炫耀自己的风流史。这天,有四位年轻英俊的摩门教徒搬进克里斯蒂安的公寓。乐不可支的克里斯蒂安拿着一箱啤酒去窜门,可是他同性恋的身份一眼就被看穿了,被他们赶了出来。克里斯蒂安发誓一定要追到其中的一位英俊小伙阿隆(史蒂夫•山德沃斯 Steve Sandvoss 饰),一雪前耻。 克里斯蒂安经常撞见帮同伴洗衣服的阿隆,一次,他假装伤的很重,将好心的阿隆骗到了自己的公寓,两人的第一次就这样开始了。完事后,阿隆惊慌得不知所措,因为摩门教规禁止同性恋,可是克里斯蒂安却不以为然,阿隆气愤得大骂。这次之后,克里斯蒂安开始反思自己的人生,渐渐地,他发现生活除了游戏和性,还有其他更丰富的东西,他也发现,自己开始爱上了阿隆……
主演:哈里森·福特 乔什·哈奈特 莉娜·奥琳 布鲁斯·格林伍德 艾赛亚·华盛
简介: 故事发生在位于洛杉矶的好莱坞,一连串的说唱歌手被杀案件在当地居民间制造了不小的恐慌,为此,洛城警署派出了经验丰富的老侦探乔(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)调查此事,为了提高效率,他们还替乔配了一位初出茅庐充满了活力的搭档卡尔顿(乔什·哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)。 令乔和卡尔顿没有想到的是,这起连环杀人案看似单纯,两人却在取证调查的道路上遭遇了重重的阻力。随着调查的深入,一名叫赛尔丹(艾赛亚·华盛顿 Isaiah Washington 饰)的音乐经纪人进入了乔和卡尔顿的视线,他有着充足的动机杀死那些可能会害得他倾家荡产的解约艺人。可是,案件调查至此,两位侦探才发现,曾经遇到过的阻力并不来自于凶手,而来自于警察局内部。
主演:蕾妮·齐薇格 伊万·麦克格雷格 莎拉·保罗森 戴维·海德·皮尔斯 瑞秋
简介: 剀切(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)是一名记者,在职场上叱咤风云的他凭借着出色的外表和圆滑的社交手段赢得了不少女性的爱慕,同时他也十分享受在各式美女之间辗转徘徊的快感。芭芭拉(芮妮·齐薇格 Renée Zellweger 饰)是一个标准的女权主义者,她刚刚出版的新书《随爱沉沦》更是强调了女性在爱情中的主宰地位,而在1963年的纽约,这样一种呼声是十分新潮而又大胆的。 一次偶然中,剀切和芭芭拉相遇了,这两个各自行业内的翘楚一经相识立刻碰撞出了激烈的火花,在不同观点的碰撞中,他们都誓死捍卫自己的话语权,同时,在针锋相对之间,一种奇妙的感情在这一对性格迥异的男女之间产生了。
导演:Lawrence Trilling Harry Winer
简介: Season 4, Episode 1: The Declaration Original Air Date—10 October 2001 Javier goes crazy planning a wedding, Ben comes home with a plan, and Felicity and Noel struggle with their futures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 2: My Best Friend's Wedding Original Air Date—17 October 2001 Noel and Felicity deal with the consequences of their encounter, Elena and Tracy's wedding is threatened by various incidents, and Sean and Meghan make a decision. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 3: Your Money or Your Wife Original Air Date—24 October 2001 Meghan's parents insist on meeting Sean and his family, Ben struggles in organic chemistry, and Felicity has tuition issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 4: Miss Conception Original Air Date—31 October 2001 Felicity competes in a beauty pageant and against an under-handed competitor, Meghan has to make a decision regarding her family, Noel gets an unexpected job offer, and Ben finds a lab test voucher. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 5: Boooz Original Air Date—7 November 2001 A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructor send Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City, and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 6: Oops... Noel Did It Again Original Air Date—14 November 2001 Bens father is sick and disrupts birthday plans for Felicity, Noel chafes at the tedium of his guidance job, and new roommates tax Elena's patience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 7: The Storm Original Air Date—21 November 2001 Noel begins a new graphics job, Ben's mother comes to town, and Felicity tries to make it up to Ben. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 8: The Last Thanksgiving Original Air Date—28 November 2001 Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgiving together. Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 9: Moving On Original Air Date—5 December 2001 Things unresolved between Ben and Felicity result in matchmaking attempts by their friends, Noel sees a doctor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 10: Fire Original Air Date—12 December 2001 Noel is advised to stop seeing Felicity for awhile, Ben has a major O-chem exam he's having trouble studying for, and Felicity makes another attempt to get into an Art Honors program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 11: A Perfect Match Original Air Date—19 December 2001 A snowstorm proves fortuitous for Felicity, Ben's father has a crisis, and Noel starts his business with an unexpected partner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 12: Future Shock Original Air Date—20 March 2002 Lauren makes an announcement to Ben. Noel and Sean bid for an account against the company who fired him, and Felicity is conflicted when pressured by her mother to consider another career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 13: Kiss and Tell Original Air Date—27 March 2002 Tensions between Noel and Zoe rise. Sean and Meghan need different things from their relationship, and Ben confronts his dad and Felicity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 14: Raising Arizona Original Air Date—3 April 2002 Ben's struggles with Lauren to maintain contact put him and Felicity at risk, especially when she seeks solace from Noel. Noel, meanwhile, has relationship issues of his own, and Meghan and Javier compete for the same part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 15: The Paper Chase Original Air Date—10 April 2002 Under stress, Felicity does the unthinkable, Noel and Sean have business conflicts, and Javier must make a decision about what to tell a friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 16: Ben Don't Leave Original Air Date—17 April 2002 Felicity faces the hearing for her paper against a backdrop of stress as Lauren decides to leave early, and a car accident occurs. Meanwhile, Noel - spurred on by Sean - begins to doubt Zoe's interest in him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 17: The Graduate Original Air Date—24 April 2002 Felicity finds out whether she will graduate, and Ben makes a decision about his future. Noel and Sean have a career crisis, and Felicity's parents descend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 18: Time Will Tell Original Air Date—1 May 2002 The death of a friend sinks Felicity into a depression, and when she finds out Ben has been cheating on her she reevaluates the choices she has made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 19: The Power of the Ex Original Air Date—8 May 2002 Felicity's choices affect everyone, and someone unexpected re-enters Noel's life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 20: Spin the Bottle Original Air Date—15 May 2002 Ben challenges Felicity on her decision to leave him, Noel and Felicity decide to move in together, and Julie visits, creating havoc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 21: Felicity Interrupted Original Air Date—22 May 2002 Concerned for Felicity's sanity, Noel and Ben take action. Meghan plays with Sean for revenge, and Ben and Julie plan a road trip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 22: Back to the Future Original Air Date—22 May 2002 Devastated by a tragedy she believes is her fault, Felicty tries to put things right.