简介: This early 70's giallo by Umberto Lenzi is certainly among the best in his filmography and also in the whole genre. Personally I think Lenzi's best films are the funny cartoon-turned-film Kriminal, the stylish giallo Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, the explosive Napoli violenta and this. In the eighties he did plenty of film trash in form of Eaten Alive, Hitcher in the Dark or Black Demons, all of which are ripping something off and/or very dull and slow moving. Knife of Ice came when the giallo boom was at its hottest and the result is convincing. Technically the film is superb, containing great cinematography in the beginning when we learn about the main character's trauma towards trains. From this point on, Lenzi shows us his ability to benefit the widescreen and, for example, the bicycle ride near the forest is genuinely beautiful! This scene also shows Lenzi's ability to build suspense, very slowly but meaningfully. After all, there aren't so many murders in the whole film, only the suspense circulating around the murderer's identity. One suspect is a devil worshipper which brings new aspects to the mystery. Since the final scene takes place in a church, one can wonder if Lenzi wanted to comment on something, maybe the hypocritical morale of church and superstition. The main character (Carrol Baker) is mute which demands a lot from her face and eyes. The actress works very well, giving us a believable performance circulating around the emotions of fear and mental pain. The other actors are good, too. The finally, however, may not give too positive a sight about female sex since they all are expressed rather negatively in the film, one way or another. Still this is easily among the most noteworthy in the genre, not as bloody as the Argento films, for example, but equally suspenseful and visually also interesting.
主演:达斯汀·霍夫曼 斯特法尼娅·桑德雷利 Carla Gravina
简介: 并不出众的阿尔弗雷多爱上了一个年轻貌美的女孩,很快与女孩陷入热恋结为夫妻。之后阿尔弗雷多被女孩疯狂的爱情占有欲和众多怪癖弄得不堪忍受,渴望从归自由的他开始了痛苦的婚姻生活和艰难的离婚之旅....... 意大利喜剧大师皮亚托.杰米(《意大利式离婚》)的又一喜剧杰作。
主演:考克斯·哈比马 Ivan Andonov Rolf Hoppe
简介: <Eolomea> 是一部1972年的东德/苏联/保加利亚合拍科幻电影,改编自东德作家 Angel Wagenstein 的同名科幻小说。 八艘太空飞船同时消失三天,Margot空间站也突然无线电失联。Maria 教授和太空理事会被迫下令,直到查明突发事件的原因前,禁止所有飞船离开地球。但一个神秘的「Eolomea计划」逐渐浮出水面,来自天鹅座的信号将把人们引向何方? 影片评价: <Eolomea> 是一部令人印象深刻、节奏紧凑的科幻作品,影片中大胆地运用了非线性叙述,各种叙述线索夹杂其中,并最终交汇在一起。 影片在布景、服装和配乐上下来很大功夫,着力营造出了一个真实的太空旅行时代的乌托邦场景。演员的表演也是非常一流,俄国、东德、保加利亚的演员人物形象塑造得非常立体。尤其是扮演女主角的德国女星,留下不少美颜动人的镜头。 本片同时还有很多值得讨论深思的「终极命题」,比如个人命运与组织的关系;人类的终极使命的问题;官僚体系束缚与理想的关系;机器人的道德与服从,等等问题。