主演:薇拉·贺兰德 Amy Jo Johnson Tatanka Means
简介:17岁的女孩Davey 正处于最痛苦时期,父亲因遭遇抢劫被枪杀,母亲带着她和弟弟前往新墨西哥的亲戚那里。女孩感觉非常孤独,没有人能真正了解她,直到她遇到了一个神秘的年轻人,他可以理解她,并帮助她走出困境……
主演:丁咚·丹尼斯 约翰·阿基拉 Al Tantay Janno Gibbs
主演:艾丹·特纳 塞缪尔·巴奈特 拉菲·斯波 汤姆·霍兰德 山姆·克莱恩 艾
简介: 故事发生在19世纪的伦敦,在那个工业化方兴未艾的钢铁时代,在街头巷尾、在画廊、在充满怀古风情的普通房屋里,拉斐尔前派兄弟会(Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood)的画家、诗人和评论家正热烈地针砭时弊,探讨艺术,展望人生。这些致力于打破旧习的人,用他们富有激情的「男性浪漫」在人生之路上不断奋斗。阴谋家,不知羞耻,叛逆者,你有时甚至可以这么称呼他们。但他们绝不会放弃自己的追求--为了名誉、金钱、地位、成功、爱情,还有性。制片人用很形象的语言描述本剧为:拿着画板的「明星伙伴」(Entourage)。 摘自emule
导演:Lawrence Trilling Harry Winer
简介: Season 4, Episode 1: The Declaration Original Air Date—10 October 2001 Javier goes crazy planning a wedding, Ben comes home with a plan, and Felicity and Noel struggle with their futures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 2: My Best Friend's Wedding Original Air Date—17 October 2001 Noel and Felicity deal with the consequences of their encounter, Elena and Tracy's wedding is threatened by various incidents, and Sean and Meghan make a decision. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 3: Your Money or Your Wife Original Air Date—24 October 2001 Meghan's parents insist on meeting Sean and his family, Ben struggles in organic chemistry, and Felicity has tuition issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 4: Miss Conception Original Air Date—31 October 2001 Felicity competes in a beauty pageant and against an under-handed competitor, Meghan has to make a decision regarding her family, Noel gets an unexpected job offer, and Ben finds a lab test voucher. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 5: Boooz Original Air Date—7 November 2001 A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructor send Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City, and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 6: Oops... Noel Did It Again Original Air Date—14 November 2001 Bens father is sick and disrupts birthday plans for Felicity, Noel chafes at the tedium of his guidance job, and new roommates tax Elena's patience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 7: The Storm Original Air Date—21 November 2001 Noel begins a new graphics job, Ben's mother comes to town, and Felicity tries to make it up to Ben. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 8: The Last Thanksgiving Original Air Date—28 November 2001 Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgiving together. Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 9: Moving On Original Air Date—5 December 2001 Things unresolved between Ben and Felicity result in matchmaking attempts by their friends, Noel sees a doctor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 10: Fire Original Air Date—12 December 2001 Noel is advised to stop seeing Felicity for awhile, Ben has a major O-chem exam he's having trouble studying for, and Felicity makes another attempt to get into an Art Honors program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 11: A Perfect Match Original Air Date—19 December 2001 A snowstorm proves fortuitous for Felicity, Ben's father has a crisis, and Noel starts his business with an unexpected partner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 12: Future Shock Original Air Date—20 March 2002 Lauren makes an announcement to Ben. Noel and Sean bid for an account against the company who fired him, and Felicity is conflicted when pressured by her mother to consider another career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 13: Kiss and Tell Original Air Date—27 March 2002 Tensions between Noel and Zoe rise. Sean and Meghan need different things from their relationship, and Ben confronts his dad and Felicity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 14: Raising Arizona Original Air Date—3 April 2002 Ben's struggles with Lauren to maintain contact put him and Felicity at risk, especially when she seeks solace from Noel. Noel, meanwhile, has relationship issues of his own, and Meghan and Javier compete for the same part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 15: The Paper Chase Original Air Date—10 April 2002 Under stress, Felicity does the unthinkable, Noel and Sean have business conflicts, and Javier must make a decision about what to tell a friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 16: Ben Don't Leave Original Air Date—17 April 2002 Felicity faces the hearing for her paper against a backdrop of stress as Lauren decides to leave early, and a car accident occurs. Meanwhile, Noel - spurred on by Sean - begins to doubt Zoe's interest in him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 17: The Graduate Original Air Date—24 April 2002 Felicity finds out whether she will graduate, and Ben makes a decision about his future. Noel and Sean have a career crisis, and Felicity's parents descend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 18: Time Will Tell Original Air Date—1 May 2002 The death of a friend sinks Felicity into a depression, and when she finds out Ben has been cheating on her she reevaluates the choices she has made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 19: The Power of the Ex Original Air Date—8 May 2002 Felicity's choices affect everyone, and someone unexpected re-enters Noel's life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 20: Spin the Bottle Original Air Date—15 May 2002 Ben challenges Felicity on her decision to leave him, Noel and Felicity decide to move in together, and Julie visits, creating havoc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 21: Felicity Interrupted Original Air Date—22 May 2002 Concerned for Felicity's sanity, Noel and Ben take action. Meghan plays with Sean for revenge, and Ben and Julie plan a road trip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 22: Back to the Future Original Air Date—22 May 2002 Devastated by a tragedy she believes is her fault, Felicty tries to put things right.
主演:Michaela Longden Rebecca Phillipson
简介: A young woman revisits her family home desperate to discover her sister Evie's murderer 20 years before. After a series of terrifying encounters with Evie's ghost at 09:09pm, Margot knows she must fight to learn the truth once and for all.
主演:迈克尔·索恰 米凯拉·科尔 迈克尔·史麦利 吉姆·霍威克 Roy Th
简介: 外星人来了。事实上,他们已经在地球上待了40年。尽管他们长相像人类,说话像人类,行为也像人类,但他们不准和人类共同生活。政府将外星人限制在一块叫 「特洛伊」的聚居区,那里四周高墙环绕,危险的、非法的、禁忌的事情层出不穷,而且还带有强烈的神秘感。 主人公Lewis(Michael Socha)在「特洛伊」边境检查站担任守卫,但他总是感觉自己和身边的一切格格不入——无论是工作还是家庭。他不是个文质彬彬的人,但也不酷。他很脆弱,有点焦虑症。在遇到神秘的外星人Lilyhot(Michaela Coel)之后,他发现自己竟然是半人半外星人的混血生物,迫使他偷偷进入「特洛伊」寻找自己的真实身世。他以人类的身份生活了这么多年,或多或少有点歧视外星人,所以他经常对外星清洁工Dominic(Jim Howick)恶言相向。具有讽刺意味的是,Dominic成了他的朋友,而且是唯一的真心朋友。Dominic其貌不扬,但内心善良,是个真正的好人。他喜欢明确有力地表达自己的观点。他总是过分乐观、过分高估自己,因此很容易受伤。纵然如此,他依然能给周围的人带来欢笑。他对Lewis极度忠诚,他视Lewis为自己的死党。 外星人Lilyhot聪明、强悍、精于算计。她知道如何运用自己的狡猾、能力、外表和街头智慧来达到目的。为了在条件艰苦的「特洛伊」生存下去,她选择了现在的道路。她渴望在「特洛伊」获得更高地位。她经常玩弄别人——并非因为她喜欢这么做,而是不得不这么做。 Lewis的妹妹Holly卷入一个外星人贩毒团伙的非法行为,然后被绑架到「特洛伊」,Lewis所面临的情况变得更加复杂。Holly嫉妒Lewis,因为Lewis永远是父亲最宠爱的孩子。更何况Lewis可能是这个家庭中最正直的人,而且有一份稳定的工作。Holly是个外刚内柔的女人,她从不直接表达自己的真实情感,拒绝暴露脆弱的一面,因此时常向她关心的人乱发脾气。 当外星领袖Antoine遭逮捕之后,Antoine的死敌Fabian控制了整个「特洛伊」。Fabian并不蠢,但他远远不及Antoine和Lilyhot对这个世界的了解。他可以在「精神变态的黑帮老大」和「温柔体贴的居家男人」两种身份之间随时变化。当他回到家中,他努力做一个好父亲;但是离家之后,他以酷刑为乐。(天涯小筑)
导演:Bill Lawrence Phil Lord Chris Miller
主演:吉莉恩·贝尔 亚当·德维尼 戴维德·迪格斯 迈克尔·道格拉斯 伊拉纳·
导演:Cody Cameron Lawrence Gong Piero Piluso
简介:Netflix宣布将预定由苏斯博士的经典童话《绿蛋和火腿》(Green Eggs and Ham)改编的同名动画剧集,共13集。该动画由迪斯尼《无敌破坏王》编剧Jared Stern、名嘴Ellen DeGeneres、Jeff Kleeman及华纳动画共同制作。《绿蛋和火腿》将耗时三年制作,预计于2018年同观众见面。同时这也将是史上最贵的电视动画剧集。