简介:An insane man first loves then grows to hate his neighbor, an old man whose penetrating gaze unnerves the insane man. He plans a perfect crime and executes it one night. The next day, two officers knock on the insane man's door, investigating a shriek heard in the night. The insane man invites them in, answers their questions, and submits to an examination of his eyes by one of the officers, who proclaims him innocent. The insane man invites them to stay and relax awhile, then regales them with his theories of crime. His heart begins to beat louder. Angles on the set are skewed to suggest the man's internal disarray.
主演:Joanna Vanderham Lewis Rainer
简介:Sensitive wallflower Cara exists in her humdrum life until the appearance of charismatic Jay unlocks powerful desires within her. When Jay's beautiful French lover arrives, Cara's journey to self-discovery takes a dark and unexpected turn, with tragic consequences. Written by Official
主演:Natalia Reyes 雷纳尔·戈麦兹 José Restrepo
简介: Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea. With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)
主演:Michael Jame Hiro Kanagaw Joely Col
简介: 哈奇带着妻子林赛和女儿里贾纳正驾车走在路上,突然与一辆大卡车相撞,坠入山谷的溪水中。林赛和里贾纳幸免于难,哈奇被救上岸后已经断气,但他还是被送到附近的医院。多专职医生妙手回春,哈奇又走出了鬼门关。但是,一切可怕的事情也就从这一刻开始了。复生的哈奇变得判若两人,原来和蔼可亲,现在却残暴异常,并且无法控制自己。后来哈奇终于知道,他身上这股邪恶的力量来自另一位和他有过类似死而复生经验的人萨瓦哥,他是个心理变态的杀人犯,冥冥中的一股力量能使两人心灵相通。不但哈奇看到萨瓦哥所做的事,萨瓦哥也看到哈奇身边有林赛和里贾纳……
简介: Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. His arrival on the national scene ,in 1956, is highlighted by clips from "Stage Show", "The Milton Berle Show" and "The Ed Sullivan Show". Scenes from several of his 33 films are highlighted including his screen debut in "Love Me Tender" (1956) and the critically acclaimed "King "Creole"(1958), his last film prior to a 2 year hitch in the military. From 1960-68 he kept busy by making films and soundtrack albums, as well as some Gospal albums. After an absence of almost 9 years from live performing, Elvis returned in 1968 to do a TV Special titled "Elvis" and in 1969 performed in Las Vegas for the first time since 1956. His Vegas appearances, along with his nation wide concert tours, continued for the remainder of his career. A clip from his 1973 TV Special,"Elvis Aloa", is featured. Telecast from Hawaii, it was the first concert to be televised live by satellite around the world.We also see footage from his last TV Special, "Elvis in Concert", which was taken from his final 1977 tour
主演:Tatyana Piletskaya Yulian Panich
导演:Leonid Lukov
简介:塔尼雅、索尼雅、费嘉和斯切潘这四个青年,是同学也是好朋友,他们一起从中学毕业出来,都在判处着自己的前途,塔尼雅为了想混一张文凭,决定进大学,费嘉打算半工半读来继续深造。索尼雅却认为不如先去工作,斯切潘同意她的主张,可是要离开列宁格勒,因为他既不说祝愿塔尼雅,又不愿破坏费嘉的幸福,而索尼雅对他的一番心意,他也无动于衷,于是就毅然的乘上了开往诺沃西比尔斯克的列车,离开朋友们走了。 塔尼雅不久就和费嘉结了婚,可是这个怀有强烈虚荣心的姑娘,丝毫也不珍惜费嘉的优良品质和对她的神情,为了满足她个人的欲望,竟又和音乐家罗申发生了不正当的交往,罗申虽然年老,但他有钱,有地位,有名望,这正是塔尼雅盼望着的东西,为了获得这些东西,对费嘉的劝阻和痛苦,她一点也不放在心上。 索尼雅进炼钢厂当了化验员。由于一直念念不忘的在想着斯切潘,她宁愿离开列宁格勒这个大都市,要求组织上把她调到了那个边远的小城诺沃西比尔斯克去工作。 在诺沃西比尔斯克的斯切潘,白天在炼钢厂工作,晚上在夜大学读书,他的坚强性格和不懈的努力,使他在工作上获得了成就,被提升为车间主任,并且入了党,列宁格勒的冶金学院决定邀请他去做新工作方法的报告,当塔尼雅从报纸上看到了这条消息之后,对这个本来不中意的老同学,却发生了极大的兴趣,在她看来是甩掉罗申另谋发展的机会到了,于是斯切潘一到列宁格勒,她就毫不放松的施展出了惯用的手段,企图把这个新对象猎取到手。 可是这一次她却失败了,费嘉和斯切潘这两个好朋友,虽然为她发生了一次短暂的误会,但终于真相大白,斯切潘也从此看清了她的真面目,并因而体会到了那个长期以来专心一意热爱着他的索尼雅的感情,回到诺沃西比尔斯克之后,就和索尼雅结了婚。 不幸的费嘉受了塔尼雅的刺激,生了一场严重的心脏病,但来自异地的友情和帮助,使他得到了极大的温暖,病愈之后,他也踏上了开往诺沃西比尔斯克的列车。在那里等待着费嘉的不仅是朋友,还有工作。 只有塔尼雅,她想要得到一切,结果却什么也没有得到,她开始感觉了自己的孤立,这能怨谁呢?是她自己决定了自己的命运。
主演:César Acosta Sandra Burgos Alonso E
简介:Luisa has a habit of bringing her dates home, irritating her son, Cesar. When Cesar invites his best friend Pablo over for a sleepover, Luisa's flirtations become too much to bear, especially as Cesar has his own feelings towards Pablo.