主演:Jocelyn Anfossy Paulina Cuevas Andr
导演:Diego Ayala
简介: A young man has a mere six hours to escape with his best friend from their hometown before a nuclear reactor explodes.
主演:Lello Bersani 阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚 Cesare Musa
简介: 这是一部探讨意大利人爱情与性观念的带有社会学性质的纪录片。影片向意大利各地、各种阶层,各种行业、各种年龄的男女们询问关于爱情和婚姻生活、性生活方面的各种问题,甚至采访孩子们“孩子是怎样生出来的”。 他随意地把镜头和麦克风向着沐浴在阳光下悠闲散步的人们;在镜头后面,他向人们抛出了一个有关"爱情"――这是一个交叉着包容了性、夫妻、快乐、家庭、婚约以及风俗习惯、卖淫及其价格等多种范畴的模糊不定的领域――的问题。有的人把他的那些"不足为外人道"的回忆伪装改扮,说起来支支唔唔、顾左右而言它,而他们又时常收拾起他们自己的隐痛,喋喋不休地好象是别人的代言人;他们越聊越近乎,说出他们赞赏的事物和不满意之处;他们勾肩褡背、面面相觑。笑语、伤痛,还有些许狂热迅速在这一群人中间传递,波及每一个人。
主演:Ludovica Francesconi 詹卡洛·科马尔 Désiré
简介: 与梦中情人分手后,玛尔塔爱上了一位艺术家。然而,对这个病弱女子和朋友们来说,生活却有些波折。
主演:比利·赞恩 詹姆斯·拉索 丹尼·特雷霍 Lauren Francesc
导演:Justin Lee
简介: 一位衰老保护专家在退休前承担着最后一份工作,保护了一对从无情犯罪家庭中偷走了800万美元的夫妇。
主演:英迪娅·布朗 蒂埃里·威肯斯 麦肯锡·克鲁克 萝西·凯弗利洛 史蒂夫·
简介: Set to broadcast in two one-hour films, this family treat is inspired by the classic books of Barbara Euphan Todd and is pegged to be the TV event of the season. Mackenzie Crook has taken Scatterbrook farm and the infamous characters of this well-loved tale and injected them with a tender and authentic charm. This is the perfect family adventure, packed with a fun, mischievous spirit and delivered with an environmental message. Mackenzie Crook, (Pirates Of The Caribbean, Detectorists) who has written, directed and stars as Worzel Gummidge, has gathered a host of both accomplished and brilliant actors who are set to appear in this eagerly anticipated adaptation. Playing The Green Man, creator of the scarecrows, who arrives to Scatterbrook in episode two, is comedy legend Sir Michael Palin. He says: “It’s a lovely part for me, but the whole script is very memorable and touching, and very funny too. It quite skillfully weaves in something for everybody all the time.” Zoë Wanamaker (My Family, Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone) will play the eccentric local aristocrat, Lady Bloomsbury Barton in episode two. She says: “The whole thing is so charming and inventive. It’s the sort of thing I’d watch. I’m sure it will be a huge success. I know it will - it’s divine.” Vicki Pepperdine (Getting On, The Windsors) takes on the role of the formidable Aunt Sally in episode one. She says: “There’s something for everybody. It’s got this heart to it, and you’d be hard pushed as an adult not to engage with it.” Steve Pemberton (League Of Gentleman, Benidorm) will play Mr Braithwaite, the farmer. He says: “This is the kind of show the whole family can enjoy together. It has a lot of humour, a lot of visual humour too, and I think kids will enjoy watching the children being central to the story.” Rosie Cavaliero (Gentleman Jack, Cleaning Up) will play Mrs Braithwaite, she added: “It’s a story about the imagination, and children escaping into this different world. Mackenzie’s version is totally contemporary.” Ones to watch India Brown (Hetty Feather) and Thierry Wickens (making his TV debut) will play Susan and John, two city children spending their summer at Scatterbrook farm who quickly befriend Worzel and begin a summer of adventures. The first episode, The Scarecrow Of Scatterbrook, sees two young strangers arrive in the village of Scatterbrook. It’s not long before Susan and John encounter Worzel Gummidge, the Scarecrow of Ten Acre Field. Their world is sent spinning into confusion when they realise Gummidge comes to life. The only person more shocked is Worzel, when he discovers that the children are not in fact fellow scarecrows but humans. Their worlds should never commune but fate has conspired to create an extraordinary union. The seasons have stopped and the harvest hasn’t arrived. The rhythm of the natural world is out of kilter and this unlikely trio must try to put it right. Magic, mystery and mayhem unfurl. The second episode, The Green Man, welcomes another mysterious arrival to Scatterbrook. The Green Man is the creator of scarecrows and keeper of scarecrow lore. He isn’t at all happy that Worzel is consorting with humans. Elsewhere, local aristocrat Lady Bloomsbury Barton is holding a fete, with a Scarecrow competition that Worzel is determined to win. What will The Green Man and Worzel's most competitive rival, Soggy Bogart make of it all? Worzel Gummidge is written and directed by Mackenzie Crook and is a Leopard Pictures, Treasure Trove Productions and Lola Entertainment production for BBC One. It is Executive Produced by Kristian Smith for Leopard Pictures, Lisa Thomas for Lola Entertainment, Mackenzie Crook for Treasure Trove Productions, with rights holders Patrick D. Pidgeon and Eric S. Rollman executive producers for Pidgeon Entertainment, Inc. It is produced by Georgie Fallon and Alex Moody is the Commissioning Editor for the BBC. Further casting: Francesca Mills - Earthy Mangold Tim Plester - Clarty Colin Michael Carmichael - Soggy Bogart Andrew James Spooner - Flat Alistair Phil Hulford - Hannah Harrow Tom Meeten - HMS Odney Christopher-Robert Barlow - Rag Bag Kiran Shah - Chopper and Root Bound Charlie Mayhew - Rustle Sprouter Lucy Montgomery - Jackie Pudding Gus Brown - Oswald Pollypop Malik Ibheis - Trike Ben Langley - Driver Mariam Haque - Receptionist
主演:Patrick Zeller Faleena Hopkins Fran
简介: 麦克斯和艾比是一对幸福的夫妻。一场意外夺走了麦克斯。当艾比无比痛苦时,奇怪的事情发生了,麦克斯的鬼魂回来帮助她摆脱自己。但有了第二次机会在一起,两人都不想再说再见…
主演:William Frasca Tuesday Beebe Becca
简介: We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 14, 1865, as we track the hours of the day that shocked the world, following both assassin and victim on separate paths that would ultimately converge at the Presidential Box at Ford's Theatre. We'll also look at the objects, like Lincoln's hat and John Wilkes Booth's gun, that witnessed the crime that changed the course of American history forever.
主演:爱德华·诺顿 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 大卫·摩斯 罗瑞·卡尔金 布鲁斯·邓
简介: 在油站打工的小伙子哈兰(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)有着很深的牛仔情结。他一身牛仔装,常常学牛仔拔枪的“神勇”模样。尽管很多人都嘲笑他,但少女托博(埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)却似乎和他意趣相投,二人堕入爱海。 哈兰跟随托博来到小镇的家中,这里住住托博的父亲韦德(大卫·摩斯 David Morse 饰)和弟弟罗尼(罗瑞·库尔金 Rory Culkin 饰)。韦德专横强硬,弟弟一直都在父亲的压抑下成长,个性敏感内向。常常一起外出骑马射枪的哈兰,成为了罗尼的精神依托。慢慢的,罗尼爱上了这个牛仔。 随着父亲对哈兰强硬的排斥、以及哈兰神秘身份的渐渐崭露,这个家庭的矛盾一再升级,直到悲剧的一发不可收拾。
主演:西尔瓦娜·曼加诺 特伦斯·斯坦普 马西莫·吉洛蒂 安妮·维亚泽姆斯基
简介: 一位访客(特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp 饰)的到来彻底改变了一个家庭的生活,虽然这个访客没有身份,没有历史,甚至连名字都没有,但家庭中的每一个人都被他诱惑为他癫狂。妻子(肖瓦娜·曼加诺 Silvana Mangano 饰),丈夫(马西莫·吉洛提 Massimo Girotti 饰),女儿(安妮·维亚泽姆斯基 Anne Wiazemsky 饰),儿子(Andrés José Cruz Soublette 饰),女佣(劳拉·贝蒂 Laura Betti 饰),每一个人都臣服于访客所带来的灵魂与欲望的纠葛之中。 访客离开后,丈夫放弃了经营多年的工厂,妻子开始于工人们寻欢作乐,女儿陷入了内心的顽疾之中,儿子开始探索艺术带来的奇迹与喜悦,女仆的身上则显露了神迹。一切都陷入了混乱,可是依旧没有人知道,这位神秘的访客到底是何方神圣……
主演:Carolina Jurczak Chloé Berthier 大卫·
简介:巴黎完美公寓找室友,這回只找 LGBTQ 好朋友。 電影導演克萊蒙跟男友大衛談不攏,大衛要搬去法 國南部工作,克萊蒙只好忍痛分手。大衛前腳才剛 搬出去,克萊蒙和好友亞麗絲就忙著替公寓找室 友。為了找到好住處,小鮮肉雷奧隱瞞性向,讓女 友假扮女同志企圖蒙混過關,然而當真相揭露,愛 情洗牌、情慾輪轉,單身公寓裡的每個人都找到了 新的床位! 旅法導演郭承衢繼《德布西森林》之後,睽違三年 的第二部長片,也是他首部法語發音的電影作品。 改編自個人同名短篇小說,導演這回將故事場景搬 至法國,以寸土寸金的巴黎為背景,將同志日常生 活、青年藝術家困境,化作一曲輕快法蘭西華爾滋; 人生海海,來往過客如千帆,樂曲終了,驀然回首, 看似回到原來港灣,但景色其實早已全然不同。