主演:瑞秋·艾里格 Katie Folger Miriam Spumpkin
简介: Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find her and gather her sprawling family, the film progressively descends into a realm where time and space lose their grip, transforming the family portrait into a solemn and enigmatic ritual of transition. Director's Note: Family photographs, according to Roland Barthes, are a desperate means to freeze time and immortalize the family. However, what the family doesn’t realize yet is that, as they smile and pose for the picture, they have already died. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=e3a878c3-ae17-4570-9736-2c37b917128a
主演:Christopher Meloni Mariska Hargitay
简介:《法律与秩序:特殊受害》,于1999年开始播出,是首播于1990年的美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集《法律与秩序》的三部姐妹剧之一。其它两部分别是2001年开播的《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal meijubar.net Intent),和2005年《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury) 。 被残忍杀害的年轻女子、被虐的婴儿、被近亲性侵害的女童、家暴阴影下手足无措的妇女、失调扭曲的家庭关系、很想用心,但每每力有未迨的父母、杵在社会家庭人际边缘、人性的灰色地带。SVU每回总是触动那块让人无从防备的柔软地带。 可爱的孩童、无辜的弱势个体(受性侵害者、同性恋、精神病患),每个人都多少有些经验感触的亲子与家庭关系。不见得要多复杂的剧情----忙于工作单亲母亲剧烈摇晃死自己的一岁多幼女、幼小无辜的女孩在母亲一时的暴怒下被辗压击碎。一方面可以多了解那种拉扯,在工作亲子关系中的心力交瘁;可爱时像天使,哭闹起来却像恶魔一样让人抓狂的孩子。要怎么控诉那为了舍不得孩子继续受到病痛折磨,而毅然决定停止呼吸器的母亲?所以就算这是再滥情的一种扮演与操控,每每还是让观众的心揪成一团…而溃不成军… Law & Order: Special Victims Unit对于一部procedural drama来说,情节及其设计是成功的关键。SVU在这方面是相当不错的,同时也继续着Law & Order系列的传统。对各个主角的私生活,几乎都不接触。这样的好处就是可以使观众随时看任意一集,而不必担心情节不连戏。坏处就是观众群不断地更换。 Easier to attach, easier to detach. L&O: SVU最大的卖点是sex crime。 得力于出色的写实派创作班底,《法律与秩序》最厉害的一点是“尽量接近真实”。虽然快节奏的电视剧无法完全还原艰难的司法程序,但该剧仍然力求细节真实。相反,爆炸、飞车、追逐、打斗、枪战之类的场面极少出现,作为主角出现的两个警察在整整22集里一枪都没有开过,查案全靠两条腿一张嘴。相信所有对司法部门有所了解的人都会认同,这才是法律系统真实的运作方式。很多司法界人士和警察都对该剧赞誉有加,喜欢的人说“这就是现实”,不喜欢的人则批评它“像普及教育课,不像电视节目”。该剧的风行,深刻地影响了美国的电视行业,此后出现的警匪电视剧都更加注意纪实味道和团队精神,比如《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)和《纽约重案组》(NYPD Blue)。 与其它警匪电视剧最大的不同在于,《法》片把焦点完全集中在司法程序,对各个主角的私生活几乎不接触。在一个小时的剧集中,警察查案,控方审案。这样的好处就是可以使观众随时看任意一集而不必担心情节不连续。和它形成鲜明对照的是《纽约重案组》,在讲述真实犯罪和侦破细节的同时,也着意刻画警察的平凡生活,并加入了各式各样的恋情。最绝的是,《法》片的许多故事都直接来自报纸的社会新闻,所以在某些集的结尾,才会出现这样的字幕:“本集故事受某某案件启发,但人物与具体情节都纯属虚构,绝无影射涉案人士之意。
主演:尼尔·雷亚 弗恩·萨瑟兰 尼克·桑普森 帕纳·贺玛·泰勒 Christ
导演:艾迪·沃克 Oliver Driver 迈克尔·赫斯特 Murray Keane
简介:In THE SLEEPY TOWN OF BROKENWOOD, New Zealand, the affable residents may seem harmless, but killers, blackmailers, and thieves lurk in every picturesque corner. To quell the community's alarming murder rate, Detective Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea) uses an unconventional style that contrasts with the methodical approach of his partner, Detective Kristin Sims (Fern Sutherland), and the eager assistance of DC Sam Breen (Nic Sampson). In Series 6, Shepherd and his team face a deadly explosion at a steampunk festival; a bestselling crime author killed in the same manner as a murder in his book; the shooting of an animal rights activist protesting a duck hunt; and a suspicious suicide inside the local women's prison, that pits them against convicts they've put away in the past. Full of dry wit and twisty plotlines, these mysteries are as compelling as they are quirky.
主演:Braxton Angle Aaron Matthew Atkisso
简介:标志性的剧集《未解之谜》又回来啦!这部 12 集的新剧集融合了原剧集中的标志性元素与当代身临其境般、角色发展推动的故事情节,植根于遭遇了难以想象的创伤的普通人的经历(从爱人的不明不白的失踪或可怕的死亡到令人震惊的奇异的超自然遭遇)。跟随侦探和记者的脚步,探索家庭成员提供的线索,提出理论并最终确定嫌疑人,希望观众能够掌握解开谜团的钥匙。原创纪录片创作方 Cosgrove/Meurer Productions 和《怪奇物语》的制片方 21 Laps Entertainment 合力打造。 前六集于 7 月 1 日首播。
主演:伊塔莉·里奇 伊纳基·戈多伊 摩根·泰勒·坎贝尔 瑞哈娜·迦帕尔 凯拉
简介:A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022. Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but also they’re being chased by a government agency, dealing with college applications, teenage romance, random monster mutations, and all of sorts of coming of age related dramas. Oh, and the government agency has tanks. Welcome to this full-throttle, action-adventure, monster sci-fi Netflix original series. Welcome to a Coming of Rage story. Welcome to The Imperfects. Featuring Italia Ricci, Iñaki Godoy, Morgan Taylor Campbell, Rhianna Jagpal, and Rhys Nicholson. From show-runner Dennis Heaton, and the creative minds behind The Order, Fargo and Van Helsing.