主演:摩根·弗里曼 约翰·库萨克 艾丽丝·克里奇 梅根·多兹 克里·约翰逊
简介: 因为一次意外,身经百战的杀手弗兰克(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)失手被抓,然而,在被押解的途中,弗兰克一行人竟然遭到了同伙的袭击,重伤的法警和弗兰克一同掉入了河中不知去向。 雷(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)带着儿子克里斯(Jamie Anderson 饰)准备进行一场有趣的野营,没想到河流中竟然飘来两名男子,正是法警与弗兰克两人。法警告诉雷,弗兰克是一名重刑犯,他嘱咐雷务必要将弗兰克送至法院。而弗兰克是一个有原则的杀手,他的原则就是无论如何一定要将目标置于死地。一边是执着正义的雷,一边是老奸巨猾的弗兰克,在这两人之间,一场没有硝烟的战争拉开了序幕。
主演:约翰·克里斯 肖恩·康纳利 谢莉·杜瓦尔 凯瑟琳·海蒙德 伊安·霍姆
简介: 男童凯文的一家和其他普通家庭一样,在忙碌快速的现代生活中周转不停,然而某个夜里,六个由衣柜闯出来的矮人打破了凯文平静的生活,他们自称是上帝的雇工,窃取了上帝的地图可以让他们在不同的时空游走。凯文由此进入了超出想象的奇妙生活。一行人先后降临拿破仑的战场,加入了罗宾汉的队伍,矮人们瞅准任何机会偷窃不停。与此同时,黑暗城堡中的邪恶之神醉心高科技,妄图通过科技的力量取代上帝统治,他施法将凯文与矮人们分开。坠落古希腊的凯文不经意间救得英雄阿伽门农国王(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)的性命,感恩的英雄将凯文立为继承人,这时矮人们却匆匆赶来将凯文一步步带入了邪恶之神的陷阱……
主演:杜夫·龙格尔 吉娜·贝尔曼 Conrad Dunn 克里斯托弗·赫耶达
简介: 韦克斯曼(杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren 饰)曾是一名效力于秘密地下组织的特工,在战争时代凭借着惊人的准星立下了赫赫战功。战争结束之后,韦克斯曼依然无法从杀戮的宿命中解脱出来,转型成为了潜伏在黑暗之中的杀手,实际上,对充满了血腥和危险的生活,韦克斯曼早已经非常厌倦,他内心里的倦意被上司发现,为了保守住组织的机密,上司决定牺牲韦克斯曼这枚棋子。 韦克斯曼和同僚克雷格(吉娜·贝尔曼 Gina Bellman 饰)一起接受了一个任务,实际上,上司另外派出了一名杀手,打算在暗中干掉韦克斯曼。多年来培养出的职业素养让韦克斯曼敏感的发现了情况的异常,他决定不向命运低头,和克雷格一起寻求生的希望。
主演:艾伦·旁派 帕特里克·德姆西 吴珊卓 凯瑟琳·海格尔 贾斯汀·钱伯斯
导演:Rob Corn
简介: Recipient of the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Television Series and multiple Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatomy" returns to the ABC Television Network for its fifth season. Is "happily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd? With Meredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she and Derek can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart -- she and Derek now face the highs and lows of being a committed couple. Continuing their first year as residents at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including Meredith's half-sister, Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate and confidante to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and learning that he failed his residency test by only one point, is striving to get both his professional and personal life back on track. After attending to his girlfriend Rebecca's mental illness on his own, and revealing that he had gone through this with his own mother, Alex finds solace in Izzie's arms. Alex must continue through this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains by his side. Cristina, having finally won out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - but is there a chance for new love in her life as well? With the encouragement of Mark "McSteamy" Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on love with cardiothoracic surgeon, Erica Hahn; now, she and Erica must figure out what happens after the first kiss. Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chief Resident, Miranda Bailey. Facing marital troubles and the difficulty of balancing her work and personal life, Bailey has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Also striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his estranged wife, Adele. The doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death consequences on a daily basis - it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and love. Together they're discovering that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey. "Grey's Anatomy" stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey, James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres, Eric Dane as Mark Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.
主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 约翰·阿莫斯 索尼·兰哈姆 汤姆·
简介: 模范犯人弗兰克•莱昂尼(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)的刑期还剩半年,他定期可以外出与女友见面,这个昔日的修车技师看中了一处仓库作为日后的修理部,平凡的生活在等待着他。然而某天他突然被转移到环境恶劣的盖特威监狱,全因五年前他为了见师父兼养父的最后一面,从监狱长庄古(唐纳德•萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland 饰)的治下逃脱。弗兰克越狱成功成为英雄,而庄古却遭受处罚怀恨在心。现在,庄古将弗兰克重新掌握,寻机报仇。 弗兰克遭到了庄古及手下的恶劣对待,但始终隐忍,并且渐渐在监狱中结交了几个朋友,包括始终想越狱的囚房万事通、瘦弱年轻的“杀手”和狱中修理厂的负责人,枯燥的生活有了好转,但是庄古始终默默注视着他,准备给他更大的痛苦……
主演:马特·达拉斯 玛格丽特·马科林苔 布鲁斯·托马斯 April Mats
简介: Kyle(马特·达拉斯 Matt Dallas 饰)一直在探寻自己身世之谜,终于他遇到了Adam,知道了自己的来历和潜力。他回到Trager家,并在Tom严格的训练下学会能力范围内的所有本领。每个人的情况都不太好,Nicole(玛格丽特·马科林苔 Marguerite MacIntyre 饰)变得很沮丧并辞掉了工作;Stephen(布鲁斯·托马斯 Bruce Thomas 饰)不得不接替她;Lori(艾普萝·美森 April Matson 饰)和Declan(克里斯·奥利维罗 Chris Olivero 饰)关系紧张;Josh(让-卢克·比洛多 Jean-Luc Bilodeau 饰)则是一如既往。神秘公司Madacorp找到了一个陌生女孩寻找Kyle。这个女孩不仅成为了Kyle生活的一部分,也走进了Trager一家的生活,所有的人都处在危险之中......
主演:凡妮·沃德 早川雪洲 Jack Dean James Neill 阿部
简介: Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob. Written by Ed Stephan {stephan@cc.wwu.edu} Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder. Written by Gabe Taverney (duke1029@aol.com)
主演:Brian Deacon .... Jesus Rivka Neum
简介: 《耶稣传》是一部根据路加福音而编写的两小时影片。此片被誉为是最准确描述耶稣基督的生平的影片。 《耶稣传》计划的目的是要让世界上的每一个人都能够观看以他们本身的语言配音的《耶稣传》影片。无论您是说中文、法文或其他四百多种的语言,您最终都可以透过您本身的语言去认识耶稣。 透过《耶稣传》计划及超过八百个基督教团体的合作,全球已有超过十亿一千万人观赏过这部富有震撼力的影片,而大部份人都是藉着他们自己的语言去观赏这关於耶稣的故事。