主演:Séverin-Mars Ivy Close Gabriel de G
简介:这是史诗片巨匠冈斯的早期作品,原版长达九个小时。 影片讲述一个类似现在电视肥皂剧的故事:铁路工程师从一次车祸中救回一个女孩,把她当作女儿来领养。不料他自己和儿子都对女孩产生好感。为了不让儿子占有她,遂把女孩嫁给了一个富人。但儿子和养女之间有着压制不住的爱情。儿子跟她丈夫发生争执,不幸死亡。老人把儿子的死归咎于养女,不愿再见到她。后来他眼睛瞎了,养女偷偷回来照料他,直至为他送终。 影片的革命性表现在如下方面:开场的火车事故蒙太奇采用快速剪辑,极具震撼力;平庸的剧情中增加了大量文学典故,丰富了内涵;摄影和剪辑均具有一定的形式感,如镜头的节奏跟音乐相吻合,画面中的机器被用作现代化的象征等,开启了“纯电影”的先河。片名指命运的轮回、欲望的轮回,由车轮形象来暗示。
主演:让·迦本 阿兰·德龙 梅茜·珐玛 维克多·朗努西 塞西尔·瓦索尔 拉里
简介:因抢劫罪被判十二年徒刑的吉诺(阿兰·德隆饰)刑满出狱,在社工热尔曼(让·加宾Jean Gabin饰)的热心帮助和循循善诱下,他决心痛改前非,重新做人。但信奉“罪犯永远都是罪犯”的警长杰特勒(米歇尔·布盖 Michel Bouquet饰)却仍然不信任他,处处与他作对,最终逼得他走投无路,终于失控杀死了警长杰特勒。经过冷酷、教条的法庭的审讯后,吉诺最终被推上了断头台。 这是一部对专制暴政和断头台提出强烈控诉和谴责的人道主义电影,深沉的主题和场面常令观众陷入巨大的感情波澜之中。本片在巴黎及其近郊放映时,仅十周内观众人数就高达四十八万人次。1981年,密特朗总统上台后,通过了在法国取消死刑的新法令。
主演:Christian Bale David Moscow Luke Ed
简介: 故事发生在1899年的纽约,纽约街头处处可见叫卖报纸的报童,因为这些孩子们卖报属于自发行为,一直都没有一个可以管理和保护他们的组织,因此报童们常常受到财大气粗的报业老板们的压榨和剥削。杰克(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是这些报童中的一员,相比去其他的孩子们,杰克显然要更为活泼,也更为机灵一些。 哈斯特(马克斯·卡塞拉 Max Casella 饰)和普利策(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)是当时报业的两大巨头,相比之下,普利策的公司经营处于劣势,为了能够赚更多的钱,普利策决定提高报童购买报纸的价格,以获得更大的利润,这一举动引起了报童们的不满。趁着这个机会,一直想要做出一番大事业的杰克揭竿而起,带领着报童们开始了罢工运动。
主演:Artúr Somlay Miklós Gábor Zsuzsa Bá
简介:Somewhere in the remote region, the war ends. In the midst of ruined cities and houses in the streets, in rural hamlets, everywhere where people still live, are children who have lost their homes and parents. Abandoned, hungry, and in rags, defenseless and humiliated, they wander through the world. Hunger drives them. Little streams of orphans merge into a river which rushes forward and submerges everything in its path. The children do not know any feeling; they know only the world of their enemies. They fight, steal, struggle for a mouthful of food, and violence is merely a means to get it. A gang led by Cahoun finds a refuge in an abandoned castle and encounters an old composer who has voluntarily retired into solitude from a world of hatred, treason, and crime. How can they find a common ground, how can they become mutual friends The castle becomes their hiding place but possibly it will also be their first home which they may organize and must defend. But even for this, the price will be very high. To this simple story, the journalist, writer, poet, scriptwriter, movie director, and film theoretician Béla Balázs applied many years of experience. He and the director Géza Radványi created a work which opened a new postwar chapter in Hungarian film. Surprisingly, this film has not lost any of its impact over the years, especially on a profound philosophical level. That is to say, it is not merely a movie about war; it is not important in what location and in what period of time it takes place. It is a story outside of time about the joyless fate of children who pay dearly for the cruel war games of adults. At the time it was premiered, the movie was enthusiastically received by the critics. The main roles were taken by streetwise boys of a children's group who created their roles improvisationally in close contact with a few professional actors, and in the children's acting their own fresh experience of war's turmoil appears to be reflected. At the same time, their performance fits admirably into the mosaic of a very complex movie language. Balázs's influence revealed itself, above all, in the introductory sequences an air raid on an amusement park, seen in a montage of dramatic situations evoking the last spasms of war, where, undoubtedly, we discern the influence of classical Soviet cinematography. Shooting, the boy's escape, the locomotive's wheels, the shadows of soldiers with submachine guns, the sound of a whistle—the images are linked together in abrupt sequences in which varying shots and expressive sharp sounds are emphasized. A perfectly planned screenplay avoided all elements of sentimentality, time-worn stereotypes of wronged children, romanticism and cheap simplification. The authors succeeded in bridging the perilous dramatic abyss of the metamorphosis of a children's community. Their telling of the story (the scene of pillaging, the assault on the castle, etc) independently introduced some neorealist elements which, at that time, were being propagated in Italy by De Sica, Rossellini, and other film artists. The rebukes of contemporary critics, who called attention to formalism for its own sake have been forgotten. The masterly art of cameraman Barnabás Hegyi gives vitality to the poetic images. His angle shots of the children, his composition of scenes in the castle interior, are a living document of the times, and underline the atmosphere and the characters of the protagonists. The success of the picture was also enhanced by the musical art of composer Dénes Buday who, in tense situations, inserted the theme of the Marseilaise into the movie's structure, as a motive of community unification, as an expression of friendship and the possibility of understanding. Valahol Europaban is the first significant postwar Hungarian film. It originated in a relaxed atmosphere, replete with joy and euphoria, and it includes these elements in order to demonstrate the strength of humanism, tolerance, and friendship. It represents a general condemnation of war anywhere in the world, in any form.
主演:Laura Gemser Gabriele Tinti Nieves
简介: 艾曼纽靠为报社提供新闻照片谋生,在医院里见到食人族女孩后,她决定深入亚马逊丛林。她找到了莱斯特教授,并一起来到亚马逊,借宿莱斯特好友威尔克斯家。次日,艾曼纽和莱斯特带着威尔克斯的女儿伊莎贝拉等人出发。进入丛林后,他们邂逅了“猎人”唐纳德和玛姬夫妇,遂开始一起行动。但很快,他们就遭到了食人族的袭击……这部意大利在1970年代出品的冒险恐怖片,改编自詹妮弗·奥苏利文报道的真实故事,更是一部相当彻底的Cult片。用一句话来形容本片,就是“什么都没有,只有血腥和情欲”,所以,心脏不佳或不好这口的人,千万别看它。影片开场20分钟是预热,但也极其火爆,上来就是一幕护士被抓掉胸部的残酷镜头,随后的男女、女女激情镜头也比比皆是。进入丛林之后,除了情欲画面丝毫不减外,残酷的血腥镜头大量增加,虽然从效果看,老电影制造粗糙的毛病不难看出,但依然还是很有视觉冲击力,让喜爱的观众看得大呼过瘾。
主演:埃迪·康斯坦丁 汉斯·齐施勒 克劳迪亚·米歇尔森 Nathalie K
简介:Characterized by deconstructivism and philosophical references and by briefly exposing the good, bad, and ugly periods of the country's history, this post-modern film portrays the abstract need for guidance of Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall.
主演:韦斯利·斯奈普斯 威廉·霍普 蒂姆·达顿 希薇娅·克洛卡 马修·里奇
简介: Sonni Griffith,顶级美国特工必须保护一名穿越欧洲的途中的证人......火爆、刺激、恐怖全面挑战心理极限。 你身边,谁能可信?哪件事,又是真的?撕开法网内外的重重黑幕,让真相重见天日。 美国cia特工格雷夫受命前往罗马尼亚保护一名身怀巨额现金、被一班黑道分子追杀的女子,然而,一路中,无论他们躲藏到哪里,都逃不过黑道分子的“法眼”,而这期间,格雷夫只与他的上司保持联系,难道他的上司出卖了他的行踪?还有,这女子与黑帮之间到底存在什么关系?这其中,还隐藏着多少的秘密? 环环相扣的情节,意料不到的结局,凌厉的动作,爆破的场面,绝对值得大家的期待……
主演:Will James Johnson Colleen Kelly Ga
简介: A woman in a traffic jam desperately tries to help another woman she sees in the back of a van hold held by a hand that appears from the dark background of the vehicle.