主演:李政宰 张真英 孔炯轸 裴秀暻 Bo-eun Choi 崔载元 郑灿
简介:因为车祸使得李尚俊(李政宰 饰)失去了部分的记忆。当他看着一张曝光多度的照片时,会触动了记忆的最深处。那是一张女孩子的脸,他的潜意识告诉自己将有一段十分重要的记忆与这名女孩有关,于是他请旧同学江咏仪(张真英 饰)帮他寻找这段记忆。 过程中两人感觉自己都回到了快乐的学生时代,那个女孩子应该是尚俊暗恋的对象。他们一步步了解了很多有关女孩的事,每次都以为真相就要面世了,却又再一次把结局添上神秘感。 尚俊终于把自己失去八年的回忆找回来了,包括那一名情人……
主演:阿斯利汉·古比兹 法提赫·阿特曼 Cihat Suvarioglu 赛
导演:Berkun Oya
简介:Struggling with existential angst and longing for his past life in an orange, a man navigates his quirky family in this decades-spanning drama.
主演:阿莫·帕拉卡 宾迪雅·戈斯瓦米 Deven Verma Shubha
简介:喜剧,讲一个男人通过装假胡子装扮成兄弟两个人,周旋于女友和未来岳父之间,因为岳父喜欢有胡子的人,认为有胡子的人成熟稳重。 Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) is looking for a better paying job. He and his sister Ratna (Manju Singh) have no relatives or acquaintances except Dr. Kedar (David). Dr.Kedar tells him about Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) firm known as Urmila Traders. Shankar is a weird man. He is a man of traditional values, hence he naturally hates youth wearing modern clothes. He is a sports fan, but thinks lowly of youth knowing anything about sports. But his most weird trait is hatred towards men without moustaches. He thinks that men without moustaches are characterless. Ramprasad has a moustache. He takes care of other problems by wearing kurta feigning ignorance about sports. Bhavani hires him immediately. Ram is a hardworking guy, so Bhavani ( Ram) have no problems. However, Ram once takes leave by pretending that his mother (who died many years ago) has taken ill, and goes to watch a hockey match. Bhavani Shankar, who also attended the match, sees him there. The next day Bhavani summons Ramprasad to his office and asks him about the Hockey match. Remembering the plot of a movie a friend of his is shooting, Ram convinces Bhavani Shankar that he had seen his moustache-less identical twin Lucky (alias Lakshmanprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma) at the stadium. Bhavani Shankar buys his argument feels bad about accusing him and decides to make amends by hiring Lucky to teach his daughter Urmila (Bindiya Goswami) music. Ramprasad reluctantly shaves his moustache to become Lucky and starts to teach music to Urmila. He is helped by his actor friend Deven Verma (playing himself). Now Urmila aka Urmi is the exact opposite of her father. She takes immediate liking to Lucky, while Ram is barely noticed by her. Bhavani notices this gives Ram another job to tutor on the pretext of her exams. Meanwhile, Mrs. Srivastav (Dina Pathak), a socialite, is roped to play the part of Ram, Lakshman Ratna's mother. Like Ram, she also ends up playing her own twin in front of Bhavani. Ram decides to tell Urmila the truth. Urmila tells him to tell the truth to Bhavani as well. Ram goes to Bhavani to tell the truth, but Bhavani sees Ram's moustache giving away. Bhavani exposes Ram, but ends up thinking that Lucky murdered Ram impersonated him to marry Urmila. In a hilarious chase that follows, Bhavani ends up totalling a police jeep. The Senior Inspector (Om Prakash) mistakes him for a thug named Pascal D'Costa is about to lock him up in the jail. Only when his Inspector identifies Bhavani Shankar by his real identity is he freed. By now, a harried Bhavani has developed hatred for twin as well. On coming home, he finds that Urmila Lucky are married. He refuses to give them blessings, until Dr.Kedar comes to the scene explains the whole situation. Now, Bhavani becomes even more furious, but on everybody's insistence, relents. The film ends with a family photo of Mrs.Srivastav, Ratna, Urmila, Ram, Dr.Kedar, Bhavani's sister Kalindi (Shubha Khote) Bhavani (who is shown without moustache).
主演:Han Eun Jung as Kang Hee Sun Soo
简介:The story of a couple who reunited after their love was denied 400 years ago. When Kang Hee Sun discovers a mummy in Choi Hyun Min’s home, the pair realize that they were formers lovers in a past life. Soo Hee and Moo Hyun were married but were separated due to unfortunate circumstances when Soo Hee was taken prisoner during a war.
主演:席琳·赛莱 丹尼尔·阿尔希诺夫 弗拉德·伊凡诺夫 莱斯·施拉普内尔 K
简介:2022年,拜科努尔小镇,哈萨克斯坦。在世界各国航天人的共同努力下,如今的拜科努尔发射中心已经是一片国际空间合作的热土,也是置身于哈萨克斯坦的日落黄沙景致之外的一片飞地,充满苏联太空朋克美学元素。 一次国际空间站的对接失误,引发了一场将中、美、俄、欧各方势力集体卷入的政治斗争与流血阴谋。与此同时,诡异事件接连在这座只有几名警察执勤的城市发生。宇航员的无头尸首、接二连三的谋杀、沙漠中念诵咒语的蒙古司祭、一桩关于联盟号空间站的神秘往事……所有这一切令本来平静的小镇暗流涌动。 一名颓废的、有着不堪往事的哈萨克斯坦警察以撒克,不得不与饱受精神疾患折磨的法国候补宇航员安娜合作,不断发掘事件的真相。他们隐约发现,除去各国关于争夺太空开发主导权的政治斗争,事件背后还存在着某种隐藏于太空中的、难以被解释的黑暗力量……
主演:佩莉·鲍麦斯特 Yuna Bennett 弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨
导演:Sebastian Hilger Philipp Leinemann