主演:Neil Oliver Philip Crummy Barry Cun
导演:Paul King Arif Nurmohamed Dick Taylor Jeff Wilkinson
简介: Neil Oliver returns to continue his epic story of how Britain and its people came to be, from the height of the Bronze Age through to the age of Iron, the Celts and the first kings to the age of Rome. Part 1: Age of Iron Part 2: Age of Warriors Part 3: Age of Invasion Part 4: Age of Romans
主演:Amber Valentine Edgar Livengood
简介:The story of a heavy metal drummer who blows his eardrums out and must learn to adapt to a world of silence. An introspective journey into the vortex of our senses, tinkering with cinema's boundaries.
主演:Sophie Turner Vanessa Redgrave Oliv
简介: 玛格丽特(奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)从小在父亲经营的书店里玩耍长大,博览群书的她对人物传记情有独钟,成年后,她甚至开始尝试着自己撰写古人传记。某日,玛格丽特收到了作家温特(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)的来信,信中,温特表示希望玛格丽特能够替她立书作传。 玛格丽特的身世和她本人一样充满了谜团,坊间流传的有关她的传闻几乎都不属实。好奇心的驱使之下,玛格丽特来到了温特的住处,在那里,女作家亲口向她诉说了关于自己家族的历史。然而,这段故事是如此的诡异离奇,令玛格丽特几乎不敢相信,为了验证温特所言,玛格丽特决心通过自己的力量进行调查,由此揭开了一个埋藏多年的秘密。
主演:Neil Oliver
简介: 第一集:最后的自由 苏格兰的形成;以及之后苏格兰人在“布鲁南伯尔战役”(BattleofBrunanburh)中的历史作用,威塞克斯王朝的阿特尔斯坦(Athelstan)在此役中击败以苏格兰王康斯坦丁二世(ConstantineIIofScotland)为首的联军,之后自称“不列颠大王”,从而奠定了不列颠的雏形。 第二集:苏格兰之锤 苏格兰历史上两位杰出人物亚历山大二世(AlexanderII)与威廉·华莱士(WilliamWallace),锤炼了苏格兰的民族意识,将盖尔人的古国塑造成了苏格兰。 第三集:主教成就国王 苏格兰国王罗伯特一世(RoberttheBruce,1306-1329在位)为苏格兰独立而奋斗,苏格兰的教会也在国内外展开宣传攻势。最终1320年的《阿布罗斯宣言》(DeclarationofArbroath)促使教皇承认了苏格兰作为独立国家的地位。 第四集:语言就是力量 盖尔人和盖尔语曾经是苏格兰人民族认同的核心,但是一场家族争斗造成了众所周知的“高地”与“低地”的区分。15世纪斯图尔特家族(Stewartroyalfamily)的政策使盖尔人被视作外来人和叛乱者。 第五集:不列颠计划 斯图亚特(Stuart)王朝两位君主的野心是使曾经的宿敌合而为一并走向现代不列颠的决定性力量。苏格兰玛丽女王还只是阴谋夺取伊丽莎白一世的王权,她的儿子詹姆士则有着更为激进的梦想。
主演:Neil Oliver Alison Sheridan
简介: Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronze A History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these islands and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012. 第二季将于明年制作播出……
主演:Anna Chancellor Gillian Kearney Jac
简介: Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park” continue to entrance generations of readers the world over. This film shatters any assumption that Austen herself lived the elegant Regency life of her financially comfortable heroines who ultimately find their true love. Instead it reveals the real Jane Austen as part of strata of Regency society much crueller in its treatment of women and harsher in its economic realities than her novels and their current television adaptations convey. And it discovers a woman more tragic in her own personal love life who does not enjoy the “happy ending” that she bestows upon her own female characters. Through readings and dramatic reconstructions, The Real Jane Austen pieces together the reality of Austen’s existence her modest upbringing in Hampshire as one of seven children of a clergyman; her disappointment in love; and the family’s poverty following the death of her father. Through her writing Jane found financial independence without having to marry. Tragically only four years later in July 1817 while writing “Persuasion” Jane Austen died. Filmed in locations associated with Austen including Jane’s birth place of Steventon and her later home in Chawton, and illustrated with extracts from film and television adaptations of Austen’s work, The Real Austen paints a vivid portrait of one of the greatest talents in English literature.
主演:Neil Oliver
导演:Andrew Downes Colin Murray Colin Murray
简介: A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots.