主演:索菲亚·海林 托尔·林德哈特 萨拉·博贝格 Dag Malmberg
简介:In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the Øresund Bridge. The woman is Margrethe Thormod, Thormod, Director General of the Migration Agency in Copenhagen, who was recently embroiled in a deportation scandal. Danish detective Henrik begins to investigate the murder without the involvement of Saga, due to the fact that she has now been imprisoned for the murder of her mother. Henrik is missing his colleague and wants to visit her as often as possible so she can help with the case. However, her predicament renders her unable to help. Henrik’s search for his missing daughters is also frustrated by Saga’s imprisonment and he gets close to giving up.
主演:Svetlana Zakharova Filin Maria Alex
简介:英国青年Wilson和随从在埃及旅游,突遇风暴,便与阿拉伯商人一同躲入金字塔避风。守护金字塔的人嘱咐他们保持安静,因为这座金字塔里安息着法老的女儿。Wilson在阿拉伯商人的诱惑下吸了大烟,昏沉地进入幻境。这时,法老的女儿Aspicia复活了,从天而降,她伸出手唤醒了沉睡的Wilson后就消失了。Wilson感觉自己变成了埃及人Taor,并追随美人而去。月光下,他在森林里找到了Aspicia,二人一见钟情。接着一段又一段的变奏,一直跳到天亮。在狩猎的路上,一头雄狮企图袭击Aspicia,被Taor 一箭射中,不过,Aspicia还是被吓昏了,倒在Taor的怀中。这时,法老驾到,看见女儿躺在陌生人身边,下令把他抓起来。Aspicia醒来后告诉父亲是 Taor救了自己。法老立即放了Taor并邀请他到自己的宫殿。 在法老的宫殿里,努比亚国王前来求婚,法老大喜,当即应允。Aspicia不从,便和Taor商定二人私奔。Aspicia用首饰买通了把门人,又让女仆化妆成自己留在宫中,二人趁夜深人静时从小门逃走,努比亚国王随后率兵追去。 逃婚路上,他们来到尼罗河边的村庄,受到渔民的热列欢迎,Taor让已经疲劳的 Aspicia先休息,他自己和渔民们去捕鱼。不料,他们刚离开,努比亚国王就到了,持刀威胁Aspicia跟自己回去完婚。Aspicia铁定了心,死也不嫁给他。她从窗户跳进了尼罗河。当Taor和仆人赶来营救时,被努比亚国王捉住,押回了法老的宫殿。法老要他说出女儿去向,而 Taor根本不知她已经跳河了。 再说Aspicia, 坠入河底,来到了河神的王国,受到了热情招待。但她心里只有 Taor。一番歌舞后,河神满足她的愿望,把她送回岸上。 在法老的宫殿,正当法老要用眼镜蛇处死 Taor和其他参与“阴谋”的人,渔民们护送 Aspicia回来了。她告诉父亲出逃完全是她自己的主意,与其他人无关。是努比亚国王用刀逼她跳了河,而河神救了自己。法老大怒,和努比亚国王决裂。 Aspicia又为Taor求情,法老不允。于是Aspicia以死威胁,冲上去要和毒蛇一拼。法老舍不得失去女儿,终于同意二人喜结良缘。 梦醒时分,仍然沉浸在欢乐中的Wilson环顾四周,Aspicia的身影渐渐消失在暮霭中,这原来只是一个美妙的梦。
主演:Anna Maria Rizzoli Giorgio Bracardi
简介:A baron, with the complicity of a starlet, organizes the theft of the cash wagon on a train, keeping the conductor and travelers at bay, a sample of various humanity: an honorable with the divorced secretary, a psychiatrist with a patient under treatment, two newlyweds on their honeymoon, a trendy singer with the assistant, a rich and kinky woman. The hit succeeds, but the spoils are squandered to produce a blockbuster film and everything ends up at a loss; the baron then tries to steal a large load of currency embarked on a ferry, but a sudden strike by the seafarers throws up the plan. Hence the plan to seize a load of diamonds, embarked on a plane departing from Fiumicino destined for Amsterdam.
主演:Fernando Fernán Gómez María Dolores
简介:A great spanish cult movie!! This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing the train arriving to the station. Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.