主演:热拉尔·德帕迪约 妮可·加西亚 罗歇·皮埃尔 内莉·博尔若 皮埃尔·阿
简介: 巴黎的医生亨利•拉博西用理性科学,并且借助小白鼠实验来表述人的一系列精神活动。故事主角让•勒•加尔出生在巴黎,在小岛上和爷爷一起长大,在同学的帮助下当上了新闻部部长,顺利结婚生子。而后却与女演员让妮娜坠入爱河。让妮娜在巴黎贫穷地区的工人家庭中长大,却立志想成为演员,被父母横加阻拦后她离家出走,岂料当上话剧演员后顺利走红,从而结识了让•勒•加尔并与之相爱。哈格努(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)出生于一个农场主家庭,因不满父亲管教离家谋了纺织厂技术总监的职业,并与未婚妻阿莱特结婚生子。后单位新晋职员维斯塔特却将哈努克的职位夺取了。三人的命运最终将会如何呢?
主演:Rita Loureiro Dinarte Branco Madale
简介: The family Paixão runs a farm for wedding parties, but the business is not going well. While the love between the parents, Vanessa and Daniel appears to have ended, the grandparents, Luisa and Joaquim, seem inseparable; and the children, Rita and Marco, have completely distinct opinions about love.
主演:Monique Spaziani Gabriel Arcand Mio
简介:Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist. Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her. Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army. She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son. Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist. She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up. Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother. Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her. This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played beautifully by François Méthé, discovers the details of his heritage. This film won many awards in Canada and at Cannes in 1988. François Méthé, who was about 11-years-old, never acted again after this movie. From IMDb: A quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn’t seen since infancy. He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal grandparents. The suitcase contains mementos and a diary, a long letter to him, written over the years, with details of her youth, her first job as a pianist at a cinema, the coming of talkies, her marriage, and how he came to live with his grandparents. As he reads through the materials and her story comes to life, his son Antoine, who’s about 10 or 12, tries to break through his father’s silence and sorrow by taking matters into his own hands.
主演:卡门·马奇 宝拉·乌塞罗 Anis Doroftei 努丽雅·冈萨雷斯
导演:Roberto Carlos Sánchez Bueso
简介:影片《圣恩足球队》讲述了西班牙球星瓦尔多洛佩斯的真实童年故事,玛丽娜修女1994年夏天被送到El Parral,这是一所寄宿男孩学校,但很快会关闭。尽管孩子们用各种各样的恶作剧来欢迎玛丽娜,但她用爱心组建了足球队,并培养出了著名球员。
主演:Enya Baroux Florent Dorin Raphaël D
简介: Alice is a young woman opposed to the construction of a power-plant, an idea of her own father who is a member of the parliament. But a weird Visitor from the Future takes her to 2555, a future destroyed by the explosion of that same power-plant. According to the Visiteur, the premature death of her father would prevent this future from happening. But they’ll have to be quick because the Future Police is hunting them down so they don’t alternate their timeline! Alice must achieve the impossible: save her world and save her father.
主演:查理兹·塞隆 马尔顿·索克斯 约翰尼·李·米勒 苏菲·奥康内多 弗兰西
简介:21世纪初,一场瘟疫夺去了99%的人类生命,幸存者们依靠科学家古德查德的发明,建造孤城布瑞拉格维系文明。时间过去四百年后,部分市民不满古德查德政权独裁统治与持续发生的失踪案,组建武装力量魔力党(Monicans)对抗。 女战士伊恩(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)是魔力党中实力顶尖的人物,在完成破坏古德查德监控系统的任务中,伊恩目睹了被对方杀害的亲妹遗体,伊恩在怒火添胸时得到了刺杀古德查德首脑特雷弗的指令,但当她与特雷弗面对面时,对方呼唤“凯瑟琳”这个名字让她陷入混乱的记忆无法行动。伊恩脱身后着手调查这座城市的真相,发现一直以来的失踪案与克隆计划息息相关,而布瑞拉格运行的基础便是复制人类。伊恩的发现很快引起连锁反应,将各方势力卷入其中……