主演:Nagarjuna Akkineni Anushka Shetty G
简介: 主演龙树,谢蒂。谢蒂是女神转世,带着神的光辉诞生在五星连珠时。阿修罗被神屠杀,恶魔(桑卡尔)通过苦修获得湿婆神的恩赐。他需要和谢蒂结婚,然后献祭。才能获得神秘的五种力量。才能称霸11重天。龙树是湿婆的信徒,却父母双亡。心里充满对湿婆的仇恨。日全食之夜。恶魔能得到力量吗。龙树能得到爱情,战胜敌人吗?
主演:汤姆·汉克斯 布鲁斯·威利斯 梅兰尼·格里菲斯 金·凯特罗尔 绍尔·鲁
简介:奢曼(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)是在华尔街工作的金融精英,他拥有着一份收入丰厚的工作,一位娇俏可人的妻子,每天西装革履出入高级场所,可谓过着十分体面的生活,堪称典范。然而实际上,奢曼有着自己的秘密,他一直不忠于自己的妻子,有着一位情人。 一天,奢曼像往常一样同自己的情妇幽会,两人开着车行驶在高速公路上,没想到竟然撞到了一个孩子。因为害怕自己的出轨和行踪暴露,奢曼决定逃离事故现场,可是,一位狡猾而又贪婪的小报记者目击了这一切,并记下了奢曼的车牌号。奢曼的生活就此被彻底的改变了。
主演:Akbar Abdi Dariush Arjmand Morteza
简介: 马克马巴夫用异样的电影语言说出了伊朗电影电影近百年的历史,片中的一些镜头如散文诗一般优美,也有一些隐喻和象征,非常值得一看的伊朗艺术电影! 精彩的幻想片,只可惜DVD的画质一般。。
主演:Nina Kiri Jorja Cadence Ry Barrett
简介: A cult kidnaps a young girl and sacrifices themselves by the locust moon. The girl awakes, surrounded by corpses. Years later, the locust moon rises again and the girl is captured by a surviving cult member, informing her demon is growing inside all these years.
主演:Dhritiman Chatterjee Jayshree Roy D
简介: Siddartha (Dhritiman Chatterjee) is forced to discontinue his medical studies due to unexpected and brutal death of his father. He has to now find a job in stead. In one job interview, he is asked to name the most significant world event in the last ten years. His reply is 'the plain human courage shown by the people of Vietnam', instead of the expected - man landing on moon. The interviewer asks is he is a communist. Needles to say that he does not get the job. He reaches a coffee shop where he is offered to work for the communist party. When he does not show any interest the party leader tells him about an opening for a medical representative. To escape from the heat and have a snooze, he goes in to a cinema. As a government propaganda newsreel is being shown before the feature, a bomb explodes in the cinema hall. In the stampede that follows, Siddartha, breaks his watch. He goes to a watchmaker but he cannot afford the repairs. Waiting to cross the road, he notices a sexy girl. He drifts back to his days as a medical student in a flashback. The professor is explaining anatomy of female breast. Many flashbacks and dreams occur to Siddartha through the film. On his way to hostel, he has an encounter with some hippies. Along with an ex-classmate, he goes out to see a porn film but to their disappointment, the film turns out to be not-so-pornographic. In such constant wandering in a Calcutta, disintegrated relationships with his sister and a Naxalite (militant communist) brother, his friendship with Keya is only thing that keeps him sane. Keya is a simple girl. They enjoy each other's company but they cannot make any commitment to each other due to the circumstances. After yet another attempt at a job interview, Siddartha leaves the big city to take a modest job of a salesman in a far off small town. He writes to Keya that he still cherishes their relationship. And that he has heard that bird call again but this time it is for real, and not his mind. After completing the letter, he comes out to the balcony of his modest room. The bird calls again. He also hears the sombre chants of a funeral procession. As he turns to the camera, the picture is frozen. This is the first film of the Calcutta Trilogy. The other two were and Seemabaddha (Company Limited, 1971) and Jana Aranya (The Middle Man, 1975). All the three films study the effect the big city of Calcutta has on the educated youth and the price it extracts from them. The seventies were a difficult period for India and West Bengal. The Corruption was rampant; the Naxalite movement had created havoc in Calcutta. In fact, they had turned parts of Calcutta into 'liberated zones'. By the time the Naxalite movement died down, in 1975, Mrs. Indira Gandhi (then, Prime Minister of India) suppressed the fundamental rights and declared "Emergency" for her own political survival. Her son, Sanjay Gandhi became a dictator of sorts without any official designation. The opposition leaders were thrown into prisons. About his social responsibilities as a filmmaker, in an interview with Cineaste magazine, Ray commented, "You can see my attitude in The Adversary where you have two brothers. The younger brother is a Naxalite. There is no doubt that the elder brother admires the younger brother for his bravery and convictions. The film is not ambiguous about that. As a filmmaker, however, I was more interested in the elder brother because he is the vacillating character. As a psychological entity, as a human being with doubts, he is a more interesting character to me. The younger brother has already identified himself with a cause. That makes him part of a total attitude and makes him unimportant. The Naxalite movement takes over. He, as a person, becomes insignificant." In a letter to Seton in 1970, Ray wrote that Pratidwandi was the most provocative film he had made till then. The film is said to have evoked extreme reactions. "People either loved the film or hated it", Dhritiman Chatterjee told Andrew Robinson, Ray's biographer.
主演:Dóra Szinetár Brigitte Karner Károl
导演:Robert Sigl
简介: 上世纪初的一个小港口,镶嵌在浪漫的河流中,树林茂密,山上有一座巨大的城堡废墟。九岁的漂亮女孩劳林和她年轻的母亲弗洛拉,她的父亲阿恩以及她有点奇特的祖母奥尔加住在森林中间的一个偏僻的常春藤农舍里。劳林的父亲是一名水手,他经常不得不离开他的家人几个月。一天晚上,弗洛拉带着她的丈夫走了很远的路到海港。在她穿越黑夜和风暴的路上,她在神秘的环境中死去,穿过一座木桥的腐烂栏杆,淹死在冰冷的河水中。 弗洛拉的死亡看起来像是一场可怕的事故,然而她的女儿却觉得村里社区里隐藏着一些邪恶的东西。两年后,劳林的父亲又出海了,女孩独自和奶奶呆在一起。现在,牧师的儿子里斯.....
主演:松米特拉·查特吉 Madhabi Mukherjee Shailen
简介: 恰鲁拉达(Madhabi Mukherjee 饰)和丈夫结婚了,然而,令她没有想到的是,等待着自己的并非充满了幸福和快乐的婚姻生活。恰鲁拉达的丈夫是一名知识分子,虽然饱读诗书,但他选择将全部的精力投入到研究政治刊物之中,在他的思维里,妻子只需要料理好家事即可,并不需要自己的陪伴和理解。 随着时间的推移,恰鲁拉达和丈夫之间的关系越来越冷淡,她终日生活在孤独之中,内心里非常的苦闷。就在这个节骨眼上,丈夫的堂兄走近了恰鲁拉达的生活,他是一位热情洋溢的诗人,对生活充满了憧憬,在他的影响下,恰鲁拉达渐渐走出了忧郁,并且明白了如何追求心中的梦想。
主演:维加·霍尔 斯蒂格·弗洛德·亨里克森 Charlotte Frogne
简介:就读于医科大学的维加德(Lasse Valdal 饰)及好友们驱车前往厄克斯尼湾附近的雪山,计划与其先行到达那里的女友莎拉(Ane Dahl Torp 饰)会合一同度假。当晚,他们从一个流浪汉(Bjørn Sundquist 饰)那里听到流传在此地的一个恐怖传说:二战期间,一支德国部队驻扎这里,他们从当地人手中大肆搜刮金银财宝,手段残酷,贪婪无度,但在战争结束前夕该部队却被愤怒的民众杀死,只有为首的赫尔措格指挥官(Ørjan Gamst 饰)极少数几个人躲进了雪山之中。 年轻人们对此当然嗤之以鼻,但随着一盒财宝的出现,埋藏在雪中的纳粹僵尸开始一一复活,准备夺回一曾属于他们的财宝……
主演:马库·托伊卡 艾诺·塞波 埃斯科·尼卡里 汉努·劳里 奥利·图奥米宁
简介: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学名著曾多次搬上银幕,本版把它搬到当今的赫尔辛基。主角是一个曾经学过法律的屠宰场工人(跟咱们的北大肉店老板似的),三年前女友被车撞死,司机逃逸。如今,他发现了肇事者,并将他杀死。有一个女子知道他的杀人真相和他的身份,但并没有告发他,而是跟他陷入一桩没有前途的恋爱关系... 作为文学片,本片并不忠实,但它逼真地再现了原作的压抑和阴郁,人物刻画很少感情色彩,很多细枝末节被舍弃,只留下主要人物的眼神和动作,堪称简约主义风格之作。《罪与罚》有1935年的美国版,总体水准不高,但不乏新意;1958年的法国版把剧情搬到了巴黎,后改名《最危险的罪》;1959年的美国新版也作了更新,讲一个学法律的学生涉入抢劫谋杀等罪案。1969年的苏联版长达3小时20分钟,更贴近原著;2002年的英国电视剧版是另一个以忠实再现见长的版本。--正太猫