主演:Sam Groom Tom Hallick 弗朗辛·约克 布思·科尔曼
主演:Phillip Glasser James Stewart Erica
简介:Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz's begin their journey west, while their true cat friend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
主演:Robert Beltran Catherine Mary Stewa
简介: 别具一格的科幻恐怖片,故事说科学家预测到一棵极罕见的慧星,正要经过地球,是百年罕见的一大天文盛事,于是人类都引领以望,另一方面一对不知天高地厚的少年男女,正陶醉于二人世界之除,却碰上了一班奇怪的年青人,料不到的是,慧星原来具有魔力,刹那间,毁掉了整个人类,使他变成嗜血如狂的人魔,一对男女逐展开亡命挣扎求存的过程,结局更出人意表,充满讽刺意味。视频以科幻、惊险、恐怖、惹笑于一炉,热闹可见。(出自港版LD 影射娱乐有限公司)
主演:歌蒂·韩 库尔特·拉塞尔 爱德华·赫曼 凯瑟琳·海蒙德 迈克·哈格蒂
简介: 人人都知道乔安娜(歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn 饰)是个富有的女人,同样人尽皆知的,还有她那尖酸刻薄的坏脾气。每一日,乔安娜都和丈夫格兰特(爱德华·赫曼 Edward Herrmann 饰)待在他们那极尽奢华的游艇上,挥霍着时间和钱财。迪安(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)是个平凡的木匠,在一次纠纷中,他不仅没有拿到乔安娜所承诺的报酬,还被她从船上推了下去。 几日之后,迪安发现了一则新闻,一个落水失忆的女人正在寻找她的亲人,而这个女人不是别人,正是之前羞辱过他的乔安娜。经过一番盘算,迪安把早已经被丈夫抛弃的乔安娜接回了家,这样他不仅可以收回她曾经欠他的工钱,他的四个孩子也能得到照料。尽管失忆的乔安娜对自己的处境充满了怀疑,但她还是努力的做着本职工作,在日积月累之间,她和迪安之间产生了真挚的感情。
主演:安德林妮·夏莉 马丁·唐文 Rebecca Nelson John M
简介: 1991年法国杜维尔电影节观众奖 1991年圣丹斯电影节荧幕特别奖 1991年圣保罗国际电影节观众奖 高中辍学生玛利亚告诉家人自己怀孕后,父亲倒毙地上,母亲把她踢出家门,男朋友弃她而去。于是她孤零零一个人无家可归。此时她遇上马修。他是个修理电子器械很有天分的高中毕业生,但他有个原则:质量至上,这使得他每份工作都做不长久。当玛利亚接受了马修的帮助,他们便展开一段令彼此发生转变的关系…… When high school dropout Maria Coughlin announces her pregnancy to her parents, her father drops dead on the floor. Her mother kicks her out of the house and her boyfriend dumps her, so Maria is left alone and homeless. This is when she meets Matthew Slaughter. Matthew is an educated high school graduate with a great talent for fixing electronic devices, but he can't hang on to a job because of his principled attitude towards quality. When Maria accepts Matthew's offer to help her, they begin to form a relationship with each other in which both of them begin to change.
主演:Iain Stewart
简介: BBC最新纪录片,讲述地球的力量如何改变了人类的历史。2010年1月19日首播,共播出了5集:'Water','Deep Earth', 'Wind', 'Fire','Human Planet'。节目中,Iain Stewart教授带领观众探究几个世纪以来,地质学、地理学和气候是如何影响人类生活的。 我们的星球拥有惊人的力量,但却很少在教科书中被提起。这个系列节目第一次通过电视展现地球的神奇力量对人类发展的影响。节目将历史故事的讲述和炫目的摄影镜头紧密结合,给我们呈现一幅原汁原味的人类历史图景。 Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces. Episode 1: Water Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. This time he explores our complex relationship with water. Visiting spectacular locations in Iceland, the Middle East and India, Iain shows how control over water has been central to human existence. He takes a precarious flight in a motorised paraglider to experience the cycle of freshwater that we depend on, discovers how villagers in the foothills of the Himalayas have built a living bridge to cope with the monsoon, and visits Egypt to reveal the secret of the pharaohs' success. Throughout history, success has depended on our ability to adapt to and control constantly shifting sources of water. Episode 2: Deep Earth Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces. In this first episode, Iain explores the relationship between the deep Earth and the development of human civilisation. He visits an extraordinary crystal cave in Mexico, drops down a hole in the Iranian desert and crawls through seven-thousand-year-old tunnels in Israel. His exploration reveals that throughout history, our ancestors were strangely drawn to fault lines, areas which connect the surface with the deep interior of the planet. These fault lines gave access to important resources, but also brought with them great danger. Episode 3: Wind Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain sets sail on one of the fastest racing boats ever built to explore the story of our turbulent relationship with the wind. Travelling to iconic locations including the Sahara desert, the coast of West Africa and the South Pacific, Iain discovers how people have exploited the power of the wind for thousands of years. The wind is a force which at first sight appears chaotic. But the patterns that lie within the atmosphere have shaped the destiny of continents, and lie at the heart of some of the greatest turning points in human history. Episode 4: Fire Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain explores man's relationship with fire. He begins by embarking on an extraordinary encounter with this terrifying force of nature - a walk right through the heart of a raging fire. Fire has long been our main source of energy and Iain shows how this meant that the planet played a crucial role in Britain's industrial revolution, whilst holding China's development back. Along the way he dives in a mysterious lake in Oregon, climbs a glacier of salt, crawls through an extraordinary cave in Iran and takes a therapeutic bath in crude oil. Episode 5: Human Planet Series in which Professor Iain Stewart looks at how four geological forces have shaped human history. He explores the most recently established force, humans. It's easy to think of the human impact on the planet as a negative one, but as Iain discovers, this isn't always the case. It is clear that humans have unprecedented control over many of the planet's geological cycles; the question is, how will the human race use this power?