主演:Jonny Bjørkhaug Karoline Stemre Kim
简介: A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
主演:瑞秋·罗伯茨 威文·格雷 海伦·摩斯 Kirsty Child Ton
简介: 1900年的情人节,沿用英式教育的澳洲亚普利亚德女子学院组织了一次目的地为海茵悬岩的郊游。孤儿萨拉却因拖延学费而无法同行,只能目送好友米兰达和同学们在迈克劳小姐的带领下出发。抵达目的地后,米兰达等四人离队攀岩,被同在悬岩下郊游的迈克尔和仆役埃尔伯特发现,迈克尔对米兰达一见钟情,尾随了上去。 当天晚上,校长收到迈克劳与米兰达等四人失踪的报告。警方马上介入调查,校长为学院名声紧张不已,而萨拉因为失去了米兰达茶饭不思。迈克尔与埃尔伯特攀岩搜索找回了一名女学生,但米兰达仍然下落不明,萨拉在绝望中被校长赶回孤儿院,她选择了自杀……本片根据琼•莱斯利的同名小说改编,获1977年英国电影学院奖最佳摄影奖。
主演:Michele Placido Tatyana Dogileva Mi
简介: 本片以苏联派兵阿富汗为故事背景,主角班杜拉(性格小生麦克派伦斯主演)是苏联伞兵部队的少校,负责掩护部队撤离阿富汗,由于情报的错误,使得他们误入村庄袭击了和平的游击部队领袖,造成双方冲突……
主演:Agnia Ditkovskite 德尼斯·什韦多夫 Anvar Kh
简介: 2070年,传统能源因为核战争的爆发毁于一旦,世界变成一片废墟。此时,在莫斯科的地堡实验室内一种新能源应运而生。这种新能源是从人体内抽取能量供应给地球,以避免地壳运动引发灾难,代价则是每隔一段时间将会有一批年轻人被选中参加名为“死亡之舞”的比赛,淘汰者将付出生命,聚合自己的能量提供至地心。当又一场比赛开始之际,生活在城市底层的年轻人科斯特亚被带到了地堡的竞技场。他遇到了同为选手的安娜,并对她产生好感。而安娜的真实身份竟是地堡仪式祭司的女儿。为了保护女儿,祭司请求科斯特亚带走安娜。二人逃离之时,撞破新能源的真相,原来淘汰者的能量并未补充给地球,而是由地堡的委员们和获胜者吸取永保寿命。这对情侣能够幸存么,还是竞技场将“吞噬”他们的生命?一场大幕刚刚拉开。。。。。。
主演:依莱姆·克里莫夫 Valentin Rasputin Stefaniy
简介:A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident in 1979 at the age of 40. This documentary by her husband, Elem Klimov, includes excerpts from all of Shepitko's films, and her own voice is heard talking about her life and art. Elem Klimov's grief-stricken elegy Larisa examines the life of his late wife—the film director Larisa Shepitko—through a series of direct-address interviews and photomontages, set against a mournful visual-musical backdrop. Typically, Klimov films his subjects (which include himself and several of Shepitko's collaborators) within a stark, snow-covered forest, its tangled web of trees standing in as metaphorical representation of a perhaps inexpressible suffering, the result of Shepitko's premature death while filming her adaptation of Valentin Rasputin's novella Farewell to Matyora. Interweaving home movie footage with sequences from Shepitko's work (Maya Bulgakova's pensive plane crash reminiscence from Wings takes on several new layers of resonance in this context), Larisa's most powerful passage is its first accompanied by the grandiose final music cue from Shepitko's You and I, Klimov dissolves between a series of personal photographs that encompass Larisa's entire life, from birth to death. This brief symphony of sorrow anticipates the cathartic reverse-motion climax of Klimov's Come and See, though by placing the scene first within Larisa's chronology, Klimov seems to be working against catharsis. The pain is clearly fresh, the wound still festering, and Klimov wants—above all—to capture how deep misery's knife has cut.
主演:休伯·史塔普 莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 塞尔日-亨利·瓦尔克 Hidde M
简介: 故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市阿姆斯特丹,运河之中接连浮现的尸体让市民们陷入了恐慌的情绪之中,种种蛛丝马迹显示,这是一起由同一人所犯下的连环杀人案。案件的负责人是艾里克警探(休伯·史塔普 Huub Stapel 饰),心中的正义感让他决心定要找出隐藏在幕后的凶手。 在朋友约翰(Wim Zomer 饰)的协助下,艾里克将怀疑的目标放在了当地的潜水员圈子之中,他也因此结识了美丽善良的劳拉(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven 饰)。功夫不负有心人,随着调查的深入,嫌疑人的身影终于浮出了水面,然而,在艾里克逐渐接近真相的同时,危险也慢慢地来到了他的身后。
主演:Vakhtang Panchulidze 拉马兹·迟希克瓦泽 阿福坦迪
简介:The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
主演:托马斯·米连 约瑟夫·科顿 Maria Fiore Mario Pia
简介:Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another. The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!